160+ Fun icebreaker Questions for Virtual Meetings AND Team Building at Work

What Is An Icebreaker? 

Icebreakers are, well, a great way to break the “ice” at the beginning of a work meeting or the start of an activity.  Get-to-know-you prompts provide an opportunity for the members of your group – especially if they don’t know each other – to begin to feel more comfortable with one another.  For example, the prompt might be “tell us your name, how long you’ve been with the company, and the best concert you’ve attended.” The goal of these questions is to have fun, create common ground between attendees, and build confidence when speaking to the group. 

Not all icebreaker questions are equal. A bit like stand-up – do them wrong and you can fall flat on your face. Whether it’s two truths and a lie, or being asked to state “an interesting fact about yourself”, there are some icebreakers that make your team die inside a little.

Our goal in this blog is to prevent that from happening and give you a list of great icebreakers that will help you build team cohesion. 

Often people don’t want to be the first one to speak up but with these 160+ questions, you are sure to get people talking!   These questions are great as a team-building exercise for your next company event, virtual happy hour, or conference call. Even if your group knows one another quite well, these simple, fun, and highly-interactive activities will always start your program with a few laughs.

This icebreaker list includes:

All up to date as of November 2021!

Silly/Fun Icebreakers

  1. How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice – I’m (name).

  2. What’s your favorite Scary Movie?

  3. What’s your favorite car that you’ve owned?

  4. What songs would be played on a loop in hell?

  5. Who’s your favorite non-A list celebrity?

  6. Do you prefer cats or dogs and do you have any?

  7. What is a theme song to your life?

  8. What is a guilty pleasure?

  9. What was your childhood crush?

  10. Would you rather be able to sing or play an instrument?

  11. Pool or beach?

  12. Would you rather wear dirty underwear for a week or dirty socks for a month?

  13. What would your album cover look like/be?

  14. Beach or mountains?

  15. When was the last time you saw a horror film?

  16. What Netflix show do you love?

  17. Do you believe in ghosts?

  18. Do you believe in aliens?

  19. Are you near or far-sighted?

  20. How much time do you spend getting ready in the morning?

  21. What states have you visited?

  22. What type of animal would you like to have as a pet?

  23. Where would you visit if allowed: outer space or the ocean?

  24. What fashion trend needs to be brought back?

  25. What smell do you hate that doesn’t seem to bother other people?

  26. What was the first concert you ever went to?

  27. What’s the funniest animal you’ve ever owned as a pet?

  28. Which Disney character’s story does your life most resemble?

  29. Which celebrity do you shamelessly follow in the news?

  30. What is your favorite smell and why?

  31. If you were a vegetable, what would you be?

  32. What’s your favorite thing about ducks?

  33. What’s the best concert you’ve ever attended?

  34. If you were to repaint the white house, what color would you paint it?

  35. What game show would you be super awesome at?

  36. If your best friend picked a tattoo for you to get, what would they pick?

  37. Who is your celebrity look-alike?

  38. What is your most-used emoji?

  39. Would you rather live in the ocean or on the moon?

  40. What is the first thing you bought with your own money?

  41. Would you rather be sticky forever or itchy forever, and why?

  42. How would you rate your laugh out of 10?

  43. Would you rather wear a wedding dress/tuxedo every single day or wear a bathing suit every single day?

  44. Do you prefer drawing or painting?

  45. Favorite type of music?

  46. Favorite musical artist?

  47. Favorite movie?

  48. Favorite TV show?

  49. Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV, or Disney+?

  50. What was the best Halloween costume you’ve ever seen?

  51. Would you rather leg day or arm day? (If you’re struggling to get motivated for either lately, consider our virtual fitness classes!)

  52. What actor/actress would you want to play you?

  53. If you could be reincarnated as any animal, what would you be?

  54. What was your favorite childhood board game?

  55. What is your favorite TV series for binge-watching?

  56. Camping. Love it or hate it?

  57. Show us your cell phone wallpaper. Is there a story behind it?

  58. What superpower would you want?

Best Icebreaker Questions for Work Meetings

59. Who has had the biggest impact on your career?

60. What is the best piece of advice you’ve received? (Need better advice? Take a look at our professional development workshops!)

61. What is the best book you’ve read this year?

62. What is one important skill that you think everyone should have?

63. There are 25 hours in the day, how do you spend the extra hour?

64. What is one of your greatest achievements?

65. If you could change one thing about your job, what would it be?

66. What class did you take in school that helps you the most with your job?

67. When you were a child what did you want to be when you grew up?

68. At a company field day, what is the event that you would most likely win?

69. What is a unique skill you bring to your job?

70. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

71. What do you hope to be doing 10 years from now?

72. If you could take a year off from work, what would you do?

73. What is your favorite line from a song or poem?

74. What’s your best idea for an invention?

75. Who is a role model for you?

76. What are three positive words that people use to describe you?

77. What is an interesting fact that nobody in this room knows?

78. What is one non-work-related goal you would like to achieve in the next five years?

79. You get to design your company’s Zoom background, what would it look like?

80. What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

81. Imagine you no longer have to work. How would you spend a Tuesday?

82. What’s the quality that people admire most about you?

83. What was your first job?

84. What is your standard office lunch?

85. Would you rather be remote, hybrid, or back in the office?

86. What is the most unusual job you’ve had?

87. Is it better to be late for work or leave early?

88. What is the best work holiday?

89. What was the first team you’ve been a part of?

90. Do you prefer to work alone or on a team?

Food & Drink Icebreakers

91. Favorite Pizza Topping?

92. What’s your favorite weird food combination?

93. What’s one food you couldn’t live without?

94. White or dark chocolate?

95. Light or dark roast coffee?

96. Tea or Coffee?

97. What’s your favorite style of beer?

98. Favorite brewery? (Calling all craft beer fans - try our virtual beer tastings!)

99. Tacos – Sushi – Pizza? If you had to only eat one for life which would it be

100. What is your Last meal on death row?

101. What is your favorite type of dessert?

102. What's your favorite drink?

103. What's your favorite spirit?

104. Bourbon or scotch? (Try our virtual whiskey tasting classes to learn more about each type!)

105. Red or White wine?

106. What's your favorite wine? (Book virtual wine tasting parties with our sommeliers!)

107. What's your favorite meal to cook?

108. What is your go-to appetizer at a restaurant?

109. Do you prefer sweet or savory?

110. What's your favorite type of cookie?

111. Would you rather eat only meat or only veggies?

112. Favorite breakfast food?

113. Does pineapple belong on pizza?

114. Favorite candy bar?

115. Your favorite spiked seltzer?

116. Best sandwich ever, what’s on it?

117. You’re at a make-your-own sundae bar. Which toppings do you choose?

118. What is your best recipe?

119. What is a food you reluctantly tried, and it turns out you liked it?

120. When was the last time you ate a meal by yourself and what was it?

Thought-provoking icebreakers

121. What made you smile today?

122. How do you socialize?

123. What motivates you to wake up in the morning?

124. How do you adapt to things?

125. What is your spirit animal?

126. What did you do recently to improve your health?

127. Do you enjoy smaller groups or larger crowds?

128. Are you outgoing or a homebody?

129. What figure (person) inspires you?

130. What's your favorite motto or quote?

131. What invention do you think will be popular in 20 years?

132. What is your favorite way to relax? (Need help with relaxation? Learn about our virtual yoga and online meditation classes!)

133. If you could donate to any charity, what would it be?

134. What’s your favorite place to visit to “get away”?

135. What was the most embarrassing moment in your life?

136. What is your biggest fear?

137. If you won the lottery what is the first thing you would buy?

138. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

139. If you had a million dollars that you had to donate to charity, which charity would you give it to?

140. Rainy weekend and you are home alone. How do you spend your time?

141. Would you rather go back in time or be transported to the future?

142. What is one of your first childhood memories?

143. What is a slogan that describes you or your values?

144. What is part of your daily routine that you look forward to most every day?

145. What is your most annoying habit or quality?

146. Would you rather have a quiet dinner with a few friends or a party with 100 friends?

147. What is something you have accomplished as a part of a team?

148. Who is someone in your community that makes a difference?

149. Would you rather have 100 days in the past or 100 days in the future?

150. If you were a superhero what would your superpower be and why?

Holiday Icebreaker Questions

Winter holidays are a common time for companies to get their teams together to mingle and celebrate the year’s successes. But, with so many people working from home these days, it can be more challenging to really get the party started with remote coworkers you’ve haven’t seen or spoke to in a while. To break the ice, try starting your virtual holiday party off with a few of these fun icebreaker questions.

151. Which Winter holidays do you celebrate?

152. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received over the holidays?

153. What’s the worst holiday gift you’ve ever received?

154. What’s the worst holiday gift you’ve ever given to somebody else?

155. What’s your most embarrassing reaction to receiving a gift?

156. What’s your favorite outdoor winter activity?

157. What’s your favorite indoor activity for when it’s too cold outside in Winter?

158. What’s your go-to winter cocktail or drink? (Don’t have one? Check out these tasty winter cocktail ideas!)

159. What is your favorite holiday movie? Guilty pleasure movie?

160. What’s the most ridiculous ugly sweater you’ve ever worn?

Check out our other blog post with a list specifically for holiday icebreaker questions, with many more ideas included there!

Final Thoughts on Icebreakers

Icebreaker questions are a great way to increase engagement at work, meetings, and events.  You can spend five minutes at your next team meeting and learn a lot about your coworkers, and it’s worth it! 

Looking for other ways to help strengthen team relationships and build company cultureBrowse our virtual events or let Host Event’s create a custom virtual event for your team.  Schedule a time to chat with us today!  


Holiday icebreaker Questions for Virtual Holiday Parties


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